A blog is an abbreviated word for web-log, is a web-based journal in which people can publish their thoughts and opinions on the Internet. the steps for making a blog are:
- Find a decent blogging provider that appeals to you. The most popular providers include LiveJournal, Blogger, and Xanga.
- Once you sign up, you’ll have a gallery of ready-made templates to choose from. With these, you can pick a color scheme and layout for your blog.
- Add blogging freebies like buttons, images, blog chalks, imoods, tagboards, guest maps, guestbooks, comment boxes for readers’ input, etc.
- Explore other blog sites that offer more features for a small fee, such as
- Decide whether you want your blog to be private or public: do you want any Internet visitor to be able to read your blog, or do you just want your friends and family to be able to read it? Most blog sites offer the ability to password-protect your post.
- After you’ve set up your blog, write a few posts to test it out, and make any adjustments to the layout or style that you see fit. The first post always seems tough to figure out what to write, but once you get into a routine of daily blogging, you will find it addictive. The theme of the blog can be about anything you want, you can write about your day, thoughts, events, ideas, fears, pleasures, the news, current affairs, art, or anything you are interested in.
- Visit other blogs to build a blogging circle. When you leave comments, add your blogging address so they can visit you too.
- Publish your blog by sending the URL to your friends or publish the URL on your website. Add the URL to posts you make on other blogs.
Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2014). WEBSCOLAR. Easy steps for making a Blog. Fecha de consulta: 10 de marzo de 2025.