
Irregular and regular verbs

Irregular Verbs

  1. Be
  2. Become
  3. Begin
  4. Bet
  5. Bleed
  6. Blow
  7. Break
  8. Breed
  9. Bring
  10. Build
  11. Burn
  12. Buy
  13. Catch
  14. Choose
  15. Come
  16. Creep
  17. Cut
  18. Deal
  19. Dig
  20. Dive
  21. Do
  22. Draw
  23. Dream
  24. Drink
  25. Drive
  26. Dwell
  27. Eat
  28. Fall
  29. Feed
  30. Feel
  31. Fight
  32. Find
  33. Fly
  34. Forget
  35. Forgive
  36. Forsake
  37. Freeze
  38. Get
  39. Give
  40. Go
  41. Grind
  42. Grow
  43. Handwrite
  44. Have
  45. Hear
  46. Hide
  47. Hit
  48. Hold
  49. Hurt
  50. Keep
  51. Know
  52. Lay
  53. Lead
  54. Leave
  55. Let
  56. Lie
  57. Make
  58. Meet
  59. Melt
  60. Mislead
  61. Mistake
  62. Pay
  63. Read
  64. Rive
  65. Run
  66. Saw
  67. Say
  68. See
  69. Seek
  70. Sell
  71. Send
  72. Set
  73. Show
  74. Sing
  75. Sink
  76. Sit
  77. Slay
  78. Sleep
  79. Smell
  80. Sneak
  81. Speak
  82. Spend
  83. Spill
  84. Stand
  85. Strip
  86. Swell
  87. Swim
  88. Take
  89. Teach
  90. Tear
  91. Tell
  92. Think
  93. Throw
  94. Wake
  95. Wear
  96. Wet
  97. Win
  98. Withdraw
  99. Withhold
  100. Write


Regular Verbs

  1. accept
  2. add
  3. admire
  4. admit
  5. advise
  6. afford
  7. agree
  8. alert
  9. back
  10. bake
  11. balance
  12. ban
  13. bang
  14. bare
  15. bat
  16. bathe
  17. battle
  18. beam
  19. calculate
  20. call
  21. camp
  22. care
  23. clean
  24. clear
  25. clip
  26. close
  27. coach
  28. coil
  29. collect
  30. cross
  31. crush
  32. cry
  33. cure
  34. dam
  35. damage
  36. dance
  37. dare
  38. decay
  39. destroy
  40. detect
  41. develop
  42. disagree
  43. disappear
  44. discover
  45. dislike
  46. divide
  47. double
  48. doubt
  49. drown
  50. drum
  51. dry
  52. end
  53. enjoy
  54. enter
  55. face
  56. fade
  57. fail
  58. fold
  59. follow
  60. fool
  61. fasten
  62. grab
  63. grate
  64. grease
  65. greet
  66. heat
  67. help
  68. hook
  69. hop
  70. hope
  71. hover
  72. identify
  73. ignore
  74. imagine
  75. impress
  76. improve
  77. include
  78. joke
  79. judge
  80. learn
  81. level
  82. license
  83. lick
  84. lie
  85. milk
  86. mine
  87. miss
  88. mix
  89. moan
  90. moor
  91. mourn
  92. practise
  93. preach
  94. pass
  95. paste
  96. pat
  97. repeat
  98. replace
  99. reply
  100. want

Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2014). WEBSCOLAR. Irregular and regular verbs. https://www.webscolar.com/irregular-and-regular-verbs. Fecha de consulta: 10 de marzo de 2025.

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