
Modelo de Planificación Trimestral de Inglés para el Tercer Trimestre de 7, 8 y 9 grado



CENTRO EDUCATIVO ________________


Subject: Inglés Docente: ________________ Date: ________________Level: 7°F / G / H

Areas: 7. Traditional and modern communication. 8. Literature and reading 9. Technology



III / (11)
  1. Transportation and communication
    1. In Panama
  1. Worldwide
  2. Traditional
  3. ModernCommunication
    • In Panama
    • Worldwide


    • Future tense
    • Regular verbs
    • Infinitives
    • Information questions
    • Adverb of frequency
    • Questions words
    • Regular and irregular verbs


    TYPES OF TRANSPORTATION: land, air and water


    1. Literature
    • Fairy tales
    • Short stories
    • Poetry
    • Analysis
    • Dramatizations


    • Prepositions of place (in, on, at between, among, into)
    • Parts of the speech
    1. Technology, Energy and Electric Appliance
      1. Electric Appliance
    1. Home
    2. Work places
    3. Recreation placesGRAMMAR IN CONTEXT:
      • Nouns
      • To do
      • As a main verb
      • As an auxiliary


      ELECTRIC APPLIANCE: laptops, computer, telephone, stove, refrigerator, television, fax, calculator, microwave, washing machine, blender, and so on.

    1. Researching and writing descriptions about the most common means of transportation and communication in Panama
    1. Designing a brochure with the evolution of the transportation in Panama, using adverb of frequency.
    1. Listening to a dialogue about mean of transportation
    1. Watching and listening a video about the ways of preserving natural resources.
    1. Creating a poster about a future digital communication device, using future tense
    1. Using organizational strategies (e.g. brainstorming, lists, webs and Venn diagram) to analyze readings about the topic.
    1. Solving written test about the grammar learned.
    1. Identifying Characters and settings in simple literary text by using words or phrases.
    1. Reading short stories and identifying the main events using simple sentences.
    1. Summarizing fairy tales, short stories using special techniques (diamonds, cinquain and others)
    1. Reading and analyzing short poems (contemporary and modern authors)
    1. Identifying and labeling appliances find at home, school, and in an office.
    1. Determining the advantages and disadvantages of using technology at home and schools.
    1. Surveying and reporting places in the school were computers are used.
    1. Summarizing readings about technology advances.
    1. Completing a paragraph about electric appliance and sentences using noun, to do as main verb and an auxiliary.
    1. Valuing the importance of having modern transportation and communication in Panama
    1. Encouraging students to analyze the means of transportation and communication of the community
    1. Being convince about the importance of improving the transportation system in Panama country.
    1. Developing the culture of reading
    1. Showing interest for analyzing fairy tales, short stories, and poetry.
    1. Participating actively in the organization of dramas.
    1. Expressing different feelings through dramatizations of short stories in groups.
    1. Acknowledging the importance of electric appliances: at home, work places and recreation places.
    1. Sharing advantages and disadvantages of electric appliances.
    1. Being conscious about saving energy to prevent global warming.
    1. Enforcing the appropriate use of technology.
    1. Identifies systems of transportation that are used to move people and products.
    1. Categorizes system of communication that are used to move ideas from place to place.
    1. Write informational reports that include the main ideas and significant details from the text related to means of transportation and communication
    1. Categorizes the different types of transportation (land, air, and water) and communication (oral and printed)
    1. Describes a poster about a future digital communication devices using future tense.
    1. Uses Venn diagram to compare the advantages and disadvantages about means of transportation and communication.
    1. Completes and solves practices about future tense, regular verbs, infinitives, information words, adverb of frequency, questions words, and regular and irregular verbs.

The students:

    1. Elaborates a chart about appliances find at home, school, and in an office.
    1. Describes a selected electric appliance
    1. Writes and presents a dialogue about buying an electric appliance
    1. Designs a poster advertising a technology device, works in group
    1. Writes a short paragraph with the main ideas about the reading.
    1. Completes sentences about technology, energy, and electric appliances.
    1. Solves written test about technology using grammar learned.
    1. Creates a web map of system of communication and transportation
    1. Presents in speech relevant information about the importance of the communication and transportation systems.
    1. Explains a poster about and endangered species of Panama
    1. Explains a poster about a future digital communication devices using future tense.
    1. Make a scrapbook with the advantages and disadvantages of using the transportation and communication system
    1. Completes a written test using the grammar material
    1. Answers and asking questions about some short readings.
    1. Analyzes and presenting orally literary elements of short readings (main ideas, characters, plot and settings)
    1. Designs a collages of a given or made up short story integrating the literary features (written and oral)
    1. Presents or recites poems created by the students.
    1. Explains orally the chart done about appliances or technology you find out a home, school and in an office.
    1. Performs orally a selected electric appliance or technology
    1. Creates a bulletin board with the advantages and disadvantages of using technology.
    1. Design a scrapbook using the paragraph about the importance of technology in people´s life.
    1. Writes a paragraph about technology, energy, and electric appliance.
    1. Recognizes information about electric appliance in quiz.
METODOLOGIA Y TÉCNICAS: Dialogues / Group work / Investigation / Album
ACTIVIDADES DE EVALUACION: Brainstorm, questions and answer, dictation, oral written practice, projects.
  • María I. Duque, Pilar Banderas Teenagers 7 New Generation 8
  • Briggs, Sandra Strategies and Practice Intermediate, Illinoise: Scott, Foresman, and Company 1994
  • Dos Santos, Manuel Goal 2 Bogotá McGraw-Hill, 1996





CENTRO EDUCATIVO ________________


Subject: Inglés Docente: ________________ Date: ________________ Level: 8° G / H / I

Áreas: 8. Transportation and communication . 9. Literature 10. Technology and Energy


III / (11)
  1. Transportation and communication
    1. Communication
  • Importance
  • Traditional
  • Modern – technology
    • In Panama
    • Worldwide
    1. Transportation
  • In Panama
  • Worldwide
    • Advantages
    • Contributions to development of the country


  • Simple present
  • 3rd person singular
  • Comparatives and superlatives
  • Prepositions
  • Modals: can / could
  • Adverb of frequency
  • Regular and irregular verbs


  • Ending sounds –est / -er /
  • Third person singular verbs –s / -es



COMMUNICATION: internet, computer, websites, cell phone, fax, email, and so on.

MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION: taxi, car, bus, train, ear plane, jet, boat, ship, and so on.

  1. Literature
  • Universal writers
  • Biography
  • Literary words
    • Poems
    • Short story


  • Auxiliary did
  • Past tense
  • WH questions
  • Interrogative, affirmative and negative statements
  • Short answers


  • Poems


  • Plot, setting, conflict, message, characters, and metaphors
  • POEMS: rhymes, rhythms, prose, stanzas.
  1. Technology, energy and electric appliance.
    1. Digital technology
  1. Appliance
  2. Advantages
  3. DisadvantagesGRAMMAR IN CONTEXT:
    • Regular and irregular verbs
    • Past and present


    Simple present and past verbs (regular and irregular) /t/, /d/


    ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND HOUSEHOLD DEVICES: fan, calculator, camera, blender, alarm clock, air conditioner.

    1. Investigating the advantages and disadvantages of the worldwide web
    1. Distinguish the means of communication used in the community
    1. Comparing the means of transportation used in Panama and other countries using prepositions, regular and irregular verbs, and comparatives and superlative.
    1. Listening to record pronunciation about ending sounds and third person singular of verb.
    1. Researching the relevant works and life of Mark Twain, William Shakespeare and Miguel Cervantes Saavedra.
    1. Analyzing famous quotations of universal writers.
    1. Reading a short story selected in small groups.
    1. Listening and repeating a poem chosen.
    1. Identifying the names of electric appliances and devices commonly used in the house
    1. Investigating different electric sources.
    1. Listening and repeating verbs in present and past tense.
    1. Showing interest for the modern technological communication in Panama (www)
    1. Increasing student´s proficiency using modern technological communication
    1. Valuing the advantages of using means of transportation in the community.
    1. Appreciating the literary contributions to the humanity of universal writers.
    1. Demonstrating the appropriate and safety use of electric appliances or devices.
    1. Showing interest for saving energy at home.
The students:
    1. Writes sentences about worldwide web using comparatives and superlative adjectives.
    1. Writes a conversation about modern communication using comparative and the modals auxiliary.
    1. Support evidences of means of transportation used in Panama through a movie maker or power point

The students:

    1. Ask for answers questions about universal writers using – WH words.
    1. Designs a brochure about universal writers and its quotations.
    1. Analyzes a short story and sketches the relevant points of the story
    1. Listens to the poems and completes the missing parts.

The students:

    1. Completes a chart about electric appliances and devices most used at home.
    1. Writes a brochure about electric appliances or devices and how to use them.
    1. Elaborates a chart with electric sources found in Panama using present and past tense.
    1. Underline the verbs listened from the tape recorded.
    1. Writes a report about worldwide web using simple present tense, illustrating it.
    1. Completes a word search about www vocabulary
    1. Presents a conversation about modern communication using adverbs of frequency
    1. Presents orally the final results of the means of transportation
    1. Presents a tongue twister using the rules of pronunciation of ending sounds and third person singular of verbs.
    1. Performs an interview to one of the universal writers (role play)
    1. Makes a scrapbook or collage about literary works of universal writers.
    1. Explains a quotation selected.
    1. Dramatizes the short story
    1. Presents the poem orally.
    1. Explaining orally the electric appliances or devices selected: parts, use, advantages, disadvantages, and how to use them safety.
    1. Presenting orally ways of saving electricity at home
    1. Presenting orally the chart about electric sources (power point, movie maker or oral presentation)
    1. Elaborates a chart with verbs in present and past tense through listening activity.
METODOLOGIA Y TÉCNICAS: Dialogues / Group work / Investigation / Album
ACTIVIDADES DE EVALUACION: Brainstorm, questions and answer, dictation, oral written practice, projects.
  • María I. Duque, Pilar Banderas Teenagers 7 New Generation 8
  • Briggs, Sandra Strategies and Practice Intermediate, Illinoise: Scott, Foresman, and Company 1994
  • Dos Santos, Manuel Goal 2 Bogotá McGraw-Hill, 1996





CENTRO EDUCATIVO ________________


Subject: Inglés Docente: ________________ Date:________________ Level: 9° H

Áreas: 8. Traditional and modern communication 9. Literature and reading 10. Technology


III / (11)
  1. Transportation and communication
    1. Communication channels
  • Communication
  • Transportation
    • Common
    • Modern
  • Importance
  • Usage
    • Advantages
    • Disadvantages
    • Responsibility


  • Adverbs of frequency
  • Reviewing of the tense
  • Figures of the speech
  • Possessive adjectives


  • Bilabial sounds /B/ /P/

Rules and examples


MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION: airplane, bus, canoe, car, ferry, subway, hot air balloon, jet plane, motor bike, motor boat, raft, ocean liner, and so on.

COMMUNICATION: telephone, mobile phone, pay phone, directory, mailbox, letter, envelope, stamp, email, internet, newspaper, television, radio and so on.

  1. Literature

9.1. Literature works

  • Characters who contribute with the human right
  • Analysis of their contribution to the humanity


  • Punctuation
  • Connectors
  • Clause


New words from the vocabulary


Freedom, peace, human, rights, liberty, justice, segregate, racist, democracy, protest, marches, sit-ins, strike, segregation, freedom riders, civil rights, discrimination, hate crime, martyr, poll tax, integrate, racism, liberty.

  1. Technology, energy and electric appliance.
    1. Technology in service of humanity
  • Industry
  • Science
  • Business
  • Education
  • Others
    • Advantages
    • Disadvantages
    • Consequences


  • Present Perfect Tense
  • Perfect tense ending


ENERGY: solar panel, solar power, electricity, appliance, fuel, natural gas, gasoline, battery, clean energy, wind power, industry.

SAVING ENERGY: balance, radiation, conduction, conservation, air infiltration, efficiency, renewable.

    1. Comparing means of transportation of the community, province or country from different periods.
    1. Designing a mean of transportation for the future and writing all the details about it
    1. Applying verb tense to write a paragraph about the evolution of the means of transportation.
    1. Using adverbs of frequency to describe the most common channels of communication in the community
    1. Analyzing videos or films about people involved in this movements of freedom
    1. Discovering words related with freedom movement.
    1. Scanning and skimming reading material related with Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Ghandi
    1. Reading and analyzing the advantages or disadvantages to use technology in different areas:
    1. Comparing electric appliance of the past century with actual time, using present and past perfect tense
    1. Predicting the technological advances in the school within ten years, using future perfect tense.
    1. Compiling positive technological advances in science that affected human life.
    1. Pointing out activities to reduce energy consume at home and school.
    1. Planning ways of using technology in industry and taking care of the environment.
    1. Showing interest for the inventions in benefit of the humanity
    1. Being convinced of the importance of creating alternatives for means of transportation in rural and urban areas.
    1. Proposing new and easy ways of keeping connected with all places of the country
    1. Valuing people who contribute with freedom and human rights around the world.
    1. Assuming responsibility in practicing values that reinforce the human rights of the hopeless.
    1. Demonstrating the appropriate and safety use of electric appliances or devices.
    1. Showing interest for saving energy at home.
    1. Learning ways of saving energy.
The students:
    1. Elaborates a chart with the evolution of means of transportation of the community, province or country through the decades.
    1. Draws a model of transportation for the future and writes a description of its features.
    1. Predicts the content of a reading: “the car of the future”
    1. Writes a short paragraph about the evolution of the means of transportation using grammar learned in context.
    1. Design a talk show program about the role of the media in education.

The students:

    1. Writes a short essay about outstanding people who work for human rights. Using correct punctuation and connectors.
    1. Writes short sentences expressing personal opinions about freedom movement using the vocabulary, punctuation and connectors.
    1. Answer and asks questions about Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Ghandi.

The students:

    1. Elaborates a chart of the technology studied according to their function.
    1. Designs a brochure about the changes occurred in technology by the time.
    1. Writes an essay about one technological advances, students will predict for the school within ten years.
    1. Writes a report of speech about technological advances in science field that have impacted successfully human life.
    1. Organizes and advertising campaign to reduce energy consume at school and at home.
    1. Design a poster with message to care the environment because of technology usage in industry.
    1. Explains the characteristics of the means of transportation selected.
    1. Describes the model using adverb of frequency and appropriate verb tense.
    1. Creates a poster about the car of the future
    1. Elaborates a poster with the outstanding features of the means of transportation.
    1. Performs orally the talk show program using the grammar learned.
    1. Elaborates a conceptual map with the most relevant information of these people.
    1. Design a pamphlet with the vocabulary and the definitions
    1. Performs a role-play about the civil rights movements.
    1. Elaborates and performs an interview to one of those freedom defenders.
    1. Explains orally the chart done.
    1. Performs orally the presentation of the brochure done in around table or other.
    1. Design and describing a poster about a technological advance students will predict for school.
    1. Performs orally the find outs to students and teachers of low grade.
    1. Prepares advertising with information to reduce energy consume at home and at school.
    1. Organizes a show room of posters and providing information to visitors. (classmates, teachers)
METODOLOGIA Y TÉCNICAS: Dialogues / Group work / Investigation / Album
ACTIVIDADES DE EVALUACION: Brainstorm, questions and answer, dictation, oral written practice, projects.
  • María I. Duque, Pilar Banderas Teenagers 7 New Generation 8
  • Briggs, Sandra Strategies and Practice Intermediate, Illinoise: Scott, Foresman, and Company 1994
  • Dos Santos, Manuel Goal 2 Bogotá McGraw-Hill, 1996
  • English Here, English there 2
  • Downic, Michael Freeform 2, Spain
  • Editorial McGraw-Hill Close up of English 2

Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2023). WEBSCOLAR. Modelo de Planificación Trimestral de Inglés para el Tercer Trimestre de 7, 8 y 9 grado. https://www.webscolar.com/modelo-de-planificacion-trimestral-para-el-tercer-trimestre-de-7-8-y-9-grado. Fecha de consulta: 9 de marzo de 2025.

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