
Streets and Ports of Colon

1. Mention the names of the Avenues of the province of Colon
R. There’s ten Avenues in the Province of Colon are:
– Balboa Avenue
– Bolívar Avenue
– Herrera Avenue
– Justo Arosemena Avenue
– José Domingo de Obaldía Avenue
– Meléndez Avenue
– Paseo del Centenario Avenue
– Amador Guerrero Avenue
– Domingo Diaz Avenue
– Federico Boyd Avenue

2. How many ports are located in the province of Colon?
R. In the Province of Colon are located the following ports:
– Colon Container Terminal (managed by Evergreen),
– Manzanillo International Terminal (Operated by Stevedoring Services of the America),
– Panama Port Terminal (Managed by Hutchison Whampoa)
– Colón Port Terminal.
– Colon2000 cruiser port.
– Cristobal Port on wharf 6.

Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2010). WEBSCOLAR. Streets and Ports of Colon. https://www.webscolar.com/streets-and-ports-of-colon. Fecha de consulta: 18 de July de 2024.

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