
The health education

The Health education is defined as the process by which individuals and groups of people learn to behave in a manner conducive to the promotion, maintenance or restoration of health.

Education for health begins with people as they are, with whatever interests they may have in improving their living conditions. Its aim is to develop in them a sense of responsibility for health conditions, as individuals and as members of families and communities.

In communicable disease control, health education commonly includes an appraisal of what is known by a population about a disease, an assessment of habits and attitudes of the people as they relate to spread and frequency of the disease, and the presentation of specific means to remedy observed deficiencies. (Washington State Department of Health.

Health education is included in the curriculum of most schools.

In the United States, some forty states require the teaching of health education.

A comprehensive health education curriculum consists of planned learning experiences which will assist students to achieve desirable understandings, attitudes and practices related to critical health issues including, but not limited to, the following:

Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2012). WEBSCOLAR. The health education. https://www.webscolar.com/the-health-education. Fecha de consulta: 10 de enero de 2025.

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