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Ecotourism in Panama

Panama offers numerous possibilities for the practice of the ecotourism. A country with a privileged geographic area, with different ecosystems to explore through following tourist products:
Our tourism consists in a variety of Ecotourism Vacations. For those who cherish the infinite variety of nature.
More than 10,000 varieties of plants, and more then 1,000 species of birds, are found on Panamanian territory. More than can be found in all of North America and Europe combined, including some of the rarest on Earth.
Currently almost 24 percent of the total area is protected. There are 49 parks, reserves and refuges, including five national park lees than two hours from Panama City.
This is more then vacations. This is the adventure of a lifetime.
Interpretation of footpaths: The landscaping wealth of Panama, next to its network of natural parks, turns to this country a paradise for the lovers of the hiking.
Great part of these zones counts on indicated footpaths so that the visitor can enjoy the surroundings comfortably. The parks Sovereignty, the Friendship, Darién and Volcan’s Barú are some of the best options.
Network of Parks: The natural areas and protected zones of Panama are from great interest for the fans to the nature. Numerous species of flora and fauna can be with no need contemplated to enter themselves to the forest?
Diving (Diving) Or Snorkeling: in waters deep, nocturnal or submarine hunting. The Beaches of Portobelo, of attractive natural unquestionable, are favorite sites for the lovers of the diving. In Portobelo several operators of diving with facilities in the entrance of the town exist, to competitive prices and simultaneously they offer lodging.
In Panama there are other interesting sites like Bocas del Toro, Island Shield of Veraguas, Kuna Yala, National Park Coiba, Iguana Island, the Archipelago of the Per them, with beautiful reefs and a great biological diversity
Ecoadventures: Extreme Observation of birds, Sports, environmental Education, snorkel or Environmental practice.

Panama is an ecological paradise that hopes to be discovered. With thousands of indigenous kilometers of coasts in the two oceans, seven groups and a registry of more than 950 species of birds, the possibilities of exploring are infinite Exploring our forests… Far from beaches and as paradise for the ecotourism is the Gamboa Rainforest Resort. The facilities of resort, partially opened and in the heat of development, are located to borders of the Chagres river and a passage of the Channel, in lands in where the Gamboa Country worked during many years Club, a golf course of nine holes that is being prepared like botanical garden.
To a few natural and patrimonial jewel passages as the Way of Crossings and the National Park Sovereignty, the Gamboa Rainforest Resort is developed on 137 hectares, granted to the Bern Group by the Authority of the Region Interoceánica by a period of 40 years. Of those 137 hectares, 37 are destined to constructions and the 100 rest are forests pertaining to the Park Sovereignty, those that the company is had it jeopardize to take care of while it develops ecotouristics activities.
Besides to promote the ecological diversity of the area, the Gamboa Rainforest Resort also comprises of the history of the Channel, 86 villas that were constructed during the decade of 1930 to lodge American personnel who toiled in the Channel carefully have been renewed. Of internal form and between the ready mechanisms to accept the conservationist requirements, the hotel has installed its own plant for the treatment of served waters. In addition, if there is something endorses the ecological agreements is the presence of the Institute Smithsonian de Tropical Investigations, whose scientists will work in the area and they will lodge in the villas.
By its location, the Canopy Tower is perfect to observe the flora and tropical fauna, specially its diversity of birds, or to make tours to the near historical sites. On the ceiling of the tower there is a showy orange dome of 30 feet of stop, there it works a dining room from which it is possible to be enjoyed incredible views of the city of Panama and the pacific entrance of the Channel. The panoramic windows allow this spectacular Vista. Of the sort in the Canopy Tower, in the Valley of Anton it will be able to participate in the Canopy Adventure, an exciting tour made on suspended cables that cross the canopy of the forest. The Canopy Adventure takes to I finish within a private natural refuge near the Male Spurt and allows that the visitors observe closely together from the natural wealth that characterizes to our country. For one better description reads our section on the Valley of Anton.

Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2010). WEBSCOLAR. Ecotourism in Panama. https://www.webscolar.com/ecotourism-in-panama. Fecha de consulta: 9 de marzo de 2025.

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