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Inspection of customs


Our subject is “How’s does custom function in bond’s” has been working is which we will be detaching functions like desbond, the customs seal and custodies that occurs to the merchandise as it leaves from the functions of the customs that is created to control and to control the entrance, transit, exit transfer and of merchandise in our country.


1. The inspector of customs in the enclosure of arrival of the vehicle obtains requests of the ship or vehicle the knowledge and documents manifest long of boarding. The data of the load are given by the transport company. The SICE maintains registered the provision of load and the anticipated date of arrival of the vehicle in time of forecast. 2. The customs inspector makes the physical inspection of the load against documents presented/displayed along with other civil employees (Migration, PTJ, quarantine Group). This revision includes that the provisions informed into the crew and the place of destiny of the merchandise, the originating Revision of the last out port and shipments. Being the discreet revision on the part of the customs inspector, in which case the transporter will have to send to the documentation of the manifesto and knowledge to the enclosure for the registry of the visit. If the group of forty civil employees detects anomaly in the load that prevents its disembarkation or movement, the customs inspector must altogether accept the measures of customs control on this merchandise raising act, like certainty of the happened thing to the load. 3. The customs inspector signs and writes down in the registry of visits the happened thing in each boarding practiced including the amount of boarding knowledge. The captain of the ship or conductor will sign the visit book. 4. The customs inspector: he writes down in the manifesto the date and hour, company/signature as certainty of its verification and remains with a copy. 5. The inspector and customs register in the SICE the customs visit indicating results, amount of received knowledge, date and hour of the visit. 6. The SICE informs divergences when the amount of received knowledge does not agree with the amount of knowledge captured in forecast. The customs inspector will have to notify the divergences to the company of transports for his correction in a term of 8 hours. The SICE registers the data of the conducted visit and places the load in condition available and non available according to the balance made with the amount of received knowledge being this requirement to put the load available.


The owner of the merchandise by interval of the person whom it designates must present/display shipping documents with Declaration Unified Liquidation of Customs with the ticket from payment to customs office, these will be reviewed with the ticket from payment to customs office, these will be reviewed with the intention to corroborate their veracity and that declared in invoice and the knowledge of boarding is what they are declaring in Declaration Unified Liquidation of Customs. The revision will be carried out by a level gauge designated by the head of the customs enclosure, if all the documents are correct goes to the following phase. The level gauge begins the recognition act that consists of verifying merchandise to see its documents presented/displayed by the owner of the merchandise or his representative. If after carrying out the gauging if he is correct, the civil employee comes then to print a rubber seal, in the Declaration Liquidation of Customs in where he indicates that everything is correct and that can leave to customs territory. There’s the desaduanamiento process is fulfilled. If on the contrary, the level gauge finds irregularities, inaccuracies, difference or lack of fulfillment of the legal requirements communicated to him to the head of customs for the following effects: When the reason for the communication is an error of the declaration of the gauging, the class of the merchandise allows it, the civil employee who has carried out the recognition accompanied with a report samples of the merchandise, clarifying that all the merchandise which they arrive at the customs must be measured. Interested operations must to be present at of gauging of his merchandise, among other things, so that they answer any question that the civil employee of customs formulates around the nature or characteristics to him of the merchandise, is to say that it participates in the recognition of the merchandise that are not more than to verify the nature, origin, condition with the information in the merchandise declaration, after all this the seal positioning of or seal in the container that is the mark, seal or symbol of security are required of that prints customs to apply the customs regimes of transit in bond. With the purpose of coming up or allowing to the establishment of any damage to the integrity of the bulks or the locking mechanisms of the vehicles or equipment of transport and serves like identification means of the merchandise. The customs seals must have the following characteristics.

  1. To be resistant and safe.
  2. Of fast and easy positioning
  3. To easily identify by means of the word CUSTOMS PA, to be enumerated consecutively in high relief, to have the body of blue color.
  4. Impossible to clear without breaking them or leaving to signals or indications of irregular manipulations.
  5. Not to be able to be used more of once.
  6. Designed and made of way so that they are not easy to copy or to falsify.

In case that the customs seals or the means of transport that leads merchandise no nationalized, they present/display signals or indications of to be forced or violets, the customs civil employee will have to examine means of transport and the merchandise, for the consequent legal effects. The tariff by the service of customs seals applicable to each one of means of transports apt for the use of such independently of the amount of seals that they require to settle to assure the nonvolatile the merchandise, will be of B/.3.00 by each customs seal that is necessary to use which will be paid in cash before the installation of the required customs seals. When one is transfers in which the merchandise pass of a zone to another primary zone or a secreted zone, or vice versa, without having to happen through a secondary zone of the customs territory, the control by means of necessary documents for the location of the merchandise without payment by service and sending the form will be exerted neither to use customs seals nor to carry out physical safekeeping on the part of the customs civil employees, in this case the merchandise that are transferred in container or closed vehicle will maintain the original seals without requiring the installation of another customs seal intact. When the transport means constitute by itself, the merchandise to transfer of a customs enclosure to another one, happening through a secondary zone: its tariff classification is included/understood within the games of Harmonized System 87,01 to 87,06 inclusively, and whenever such they are introduced by recognized distributing agencies, the tariff by the service of Customs Seals will correspond to the third part of the tariff established in the Article 50° of the present Decree of the Cabinet by each unit in which case the customs seal will be placed in the rudder of the Vehicle and will require Customs Physical Safekeeping. For the other cases in which the import cosignatory does not describe as; to the arranged thing in interjection; to guard customs physics with the corresponding tariff according to he establishes in article 50, without reduction some. The customs civil employee who carries out the physical safekeeping will not have to allow that route change, settled down. Any alteration of the same one will consider customs lack. A customs civil employee will only have to physically guard only means of transport. In the cases in that the enclosure, customs officer to begin with does not have sufficient personnel that allows to make all the safekeeping’s that in a while are asked for, will inquire to the Administrator of the respective customs zone that will be able to designate to civil employees, of other Enclosures or other customs administrative offices, or according to the circumstances, he will be able to authorize that a single customs civil employee accompanies simultaneously up to two (2) terrestrial automotive vehicles, whenever these units of transport follow a same route established and have a common destiny, being understood that the prescribed tariff by the service of Physical Safekeeping will be received that corresponds by each vehicle in individual form. The customs enclosure to begin with will have to contact crossed the customs enclosure of destiny, being informed the itinerary, and inventory of the merchandise, whose document will have to carry with himself the civil employee who makes the safekeeping. With a form of control of merchandise no nationalized, without positions by the service of its respective enclosures. Article 50°: In of the previous Artículo.49°, the costs of Physical Custodies; by each transport they will cover the time with the civil employee his corresponding mobilization and travel allowances, according to the following thing:

  1. From the Province of Colon to the Province of Chiriquí, and vice turns; One hundred twelve balboas with fifty hundredth (B/. 112,50); 75.00 + 37.50.
  2. From the Province of Panama to a Province of Chiriquí, and vice turns; Ninety balboas (B/.90.00); 60.00 + 30.00.
  3. From the Sector This of the Province from Panama to the Province of Colon, and vice turns; Twenty-two balboas with fifty hundredth (B/.22.50); 15.00 + 7.50.
  4. From the Sector the West of the Province from Panama to the Province of Colon, and vice turns; Thirty and three balboas with seventy and five hundredth (B/.33.75); 22.50 + 11.25.
  5. From the Free Zone of Colon or the Port of Cristobal, to nobody and another point no specified within the Province of Colon and vice turns; Eleven balboas with twenty five hundredth (B/. 11,25) 7.50 + 3.75.
  6. From the Airport of Tocumen or the Port of Balboa; to any other point within the Districts of the sector this of the province of Panama, and vice turns; Eleven Balboa with twenty-five hundredth (B/.l 1,25) 7.50 + 3.75.
  7. From the sector the west of the Province of Panama (for example: from the District of Arraijan or and District of the Spout), to any other point within the districts of the sector this of the province, and vice versa; Twenty-two balboas with fifty hundredth (B/.22.50); 15.00 + 7.50.
  8. By merchandise which they are transported from the Province of Colon to the Province of Los Santos and vice turns; Eighty and two balboas with fifty hundredth (B/.82.50); 55.00 + 27.00.
  9. By merchandise transported from any point of the Province of Chiriquí until the Province of Los Santos and vice turns; Sixty balboas (B/.60.00); 40.00 + 20.00.
  10. By merchandise transported from any point of the Province of Bocas del Toro to the Province of Los Santos and vice turns; Eighty and two balboas with fifty hundredth (B/.82.50); 55.00 + 27.50.
  11. By merchandise transported from some point of the province of Veraguas, Herrera or Coclé, to the Fairground of Villa Los Santos and vice turns; Twenty-two balboas with fifty hundredth (B/.22.50)
  12. From any point of the Province of Colon, to any point of the Centrals Provinces and Azuero (Coclé, Herrera, Los Santos, Veraguas), and vice turns; Eighty and two balboas with fifty hundredth (B/.82.50); 55.00 + 27.50.
  13. By merchandise that are transported from any point of the Province of Panama to any other point within the Centrals Provinces and Azuero (Coclé, Herrera, Los Santos and Veraguas), and vice turns; Sixty balboas (60.00); 40.00 + 20.00.
  14. By merchandise transported between any other two points within each one of the different Provinces Centrals and Azuero (Coclé, Herrera, Los Santos, Veraguas), and vice turns; Sixty balboas (B/.60.00);
  15. Between the Customs and Step Canoe, David, Armuelles Port, Pedregal and any other point within the Province of Chiriquí; Eleven balboas with twenty-five hundredth (B/.11.25).
  16. From any point of the Province of Colon to the Province of Bocas del Toro and vice turns; One hundred fifty and five balboas with fifty hundredth (155.50); 103.70 + 51.85.
  17. From the Province of Panama, to the Province of Bocas del Toro and vice turns; One hundred thirty and five balboas(135.00); 90.00 + 45.00.
  18. From the Province of Chiriquí to a Province of Bocas del Toro and vice turns; Forty and five balboas; (45.00)
  19. Between two points anyone of the Province of Bocas del Toro; Eleven balboas with twenty-five hundredth (B/. 11,25);
  20. Between any other two points qualified by the Customs, not contemplated specifically in the present disposition, the tariff will be established by the respective customs administration of the departure enclosure, in consultation with the Department of Operations of the Main directorate of Customs.

75% of the received value will correspond to him to the customs civil employee of safekeeping and the rest to the Main directorate of Customs. An office of the Regional Administration will create an office of coordination with function to supervise and customs candles by the fulfillment of expended of Forms, seals and control of the payments by Physical Safekeeping; taking the registry of the received and deposited sums, and informing to the Department of Management of collections weekly. All the customs enclosures will have made the weekly information with the detail of and received the sold or annulled Forms. To these information copies of the respective Forms and deposit slips will be enclosed, to be sent to the Department of Customs Control, with the object of taking a control of movement of the system. The civil employee of the customs enclosure of destiny will verify according to comes: a) that the customs seals declared and means of transport correspond to indicates in the Form; b) that the seals, customs officers or the means of transport do not present/display signals or indications of to be violated or to be manipulated irregularly; or, c) that the used marks of identification’s customs officer are the same ones who the placed ones in the customs enclosure to begin with, and of which has put record in the Form; d) that the merchandise correspond to the declared ones in the attached documents that accompany the Form. In case of irregularities it will be come according to the established thing in Law no. 30 of 8 from November of 1984. The means. of transport and/or the transported merchandise, according to the present Decree of Cabinet, are constituted of right plenary session like guarantee indispensable, valid and feasible to be responsible for the rights and taxes and possibly applicable the pecuniary sanctions, on the merchandise no nationalized that lead. In the case of possible Customs Infraction and while they continue the corresponding administrative proceedings, the customs authority is authorized to demand the substitution of such obligation by sufficient an economic guarantee, with the intention of obtaining it liberation of the prevented good. The carrier companies (Assured Transports), will continue operating with their respective licenses, seals or seals of guarantee. The Main directorate of Customs of the Ministry of Economy and Finances is authorized to establish the official routes that will have to use the transport means, the administrative procedures and necessary requirements for the application of the system on watch of customs seals and for the pick up and distribution of the sums collected by this service. The petroleum products or their derivatives will not require of Physical Safekeeping nor will be subject to the assimilation procedures on Services of Customs Seals that dispatch via pipe lines, gas ducts, poli ducts or fixed facilities of pumping and pipes, to other fixed and permanent facilities of storage to be destined to their sale or boarding to marine or aerial ships on watch international. They will not require of Physical Safekeeping nor they will be subject to the assimilation procedure, on services of Customs Seals, the petroleum products or their derivatives that dispatch and transport by means of hulls or boats tanks of Panamanian matriculation with patent on watch of cabotage, property or in leasing of the companies registered previously in the Direction of Hydrocarbons of the Ministry of Commerce and established or usuary Industries like of a Free Zone of Petroleum, and that on sale destines their products to marine ships on watch international in the sites of anchorage of the Panama Canal or in other ports low to jurisdiction of the Republic, which they are previously authorized by the Regional Administrator of Customs of the respective Zone.


It is an interesting subject since the functions of customs in bonds are as important as all the others so that it helps to prevent and to control frauds, frauds and customs lack within our territory under the functions of desbonds, Inspection and the seals that is placed to them to the merchandise after its inspection.


  • Official newspaper of the 15 of March of the 2002 N°24, 512.
  • Glossary of customs terms
  • Fiscal Code.

Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2013). WEBSCOLAR. Inspection of customs. https://www.webscolar.com/inspection-of-customs. Fecha de consulta: 10 de marzo de 2025.

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