Irregular and regular verbs
Irregular Verbs
- Be
- Become
- Begin
- Bet
- Bleed
- Blow
- Break
- Breed
- Bring
- Build
- Burn
- Buy
- Catch
- Choose
- Come
- Creep
- Cut
- Deal
- Dig
- Dive
- Do
- Draw
- Dream
- Drink
- Drive
- Dwell
- Eat
- Fall
- Feed
- Feel
- Fight
- Find
- Fly
- Forget
- Forgive
- Forsake
- Freeze
- Get
- Give
- Go
- Grind
- Grow
- Handwrite
- Have
- Hear
- Hide
- Hit
- Hold
- Hurt
- Keep
- Know
- Lay
- Lead
- Leave
- Let
- Lie
- Make
- Meet
- Melt
- Mislead
- Mistake
- Pay
- Read
- Rive
- Run
- Saw
- Say
- See
- Seek
- Sell
- Send
- Set
- Show
- Sing
- Sink
- Sit
- Slay
- Sleep
- Smell
- Sneak
- Speak
- Spend
- Spill
- Stand
- Strip
- Swell
- Swim
- Take
- Teach
- Tear
- Tell
- Think
- Throw
- Wake
- Wear
- Wet
- Win
- Withdraw
- Withhold
- Write
Regular Verbs
- accept
- add
- admire
- admit
- advise
- afford
- agree
- alert
- back
- bake
- balance
- ban
- bang
- bare
- bat
- bathe
- battle
- beam
- calculate
- call
- camp
- care
- clean
- clear
- clip
- close
- coach
- coil
- collect
- cross
- crush
- cry
- cure
- dam
- damage
- dance
- dare
- decay
- destroy
- detect
- develop
- disagree
- disappear
- discover
- dislike
- divide
- double
- doubt
- drown
- drum
- dry
- end
- enjoy
- enter
- face
- fade
- fail
- fold
- follow
- fool
- fasten
- grab
- grate
- grease
- greet
- heat
- help
- hook
- hop
- hope
- hover
- identify
- ignore
- imagine
- impress
- improve
- include
- joke
- judge
- learn
- level
- license
- lick
- lie
- milk
- mine
- miss
- mix
- moan
- moor
- mourn
- practise
- preach
- pass
- paste
- pat
- repeat
- replace
- reply
- want
Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2014). WEBSCOLAR. Irregular and regular verbs. Fecha de consulta: 21 de diciembre de 2024.