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Nilda Quijano (biografía en inglés)

She is the greatest of seven brothers who she took care of and protected since its life passed in a humble district of Colon. Today her family is much more great and complex, but she accepts the challenge surely. When she worked as Director of Human Resources at the port of Manzanillo, she had to made several functions such as creates, it implements and it supervises all the programs of attendance to the community that promotes the company, which are many and nothing easy, but affirms that the difficulties small are compared with the satisfaction to help. Its daily intention is to look for, constantly, the balance between the goals and aspirations of the company and the quality of life of its employees. From her years as student in Abel Bravo High School the human quality of Nilda had shine. Its leadership was decisive so that in 1974, year of her graduation, 198 of 200 students obtained their diploma, thanks to a “program” aid by Nilda institute. She gave special classes to students of private schools, to help her with the expenses and for transferring this experience to the student community, exempting of payment to needed students.
It is common to find the name of Nilda Quijano in local newspapers. Its trajectory like President of the Panamanian Association of Company Executives – Chapter of Colon, outstanding member of the Rotario Club and other associations focused in the improvement of the province has deserved her respect and admiration by the community. For completing her education was a long and rough process, but always it was her goal. Her childhood passes in a rural community of Santa Rita, were she assisted to Carlos Clement School. When she starts her secondary studies they were installed at Colon, in Ninth Street and Amador Guerrero. Nevertheless, the model of its father, always kind to the education, and their enormous faith constituted a motor to follow ahead.
At her 8th grade Nilda studies thanks to its excellent qualifications and it graduates with third position of honor. She initiates her race of engineering in the National University and, after a year and a half, travels to Tashkent, Uzbekistán, at the old Soviet Union, thanks to a scholarship of the International Union the of Students. She was 19 years old, didn’t speak Russian and went without a dollar in her pocket.
Personal circumstances do not allow finishing her race and bringing her back to Panama, this time she got a new language dominated, she begins working like secretary in International Ciers in the Free Zone, from where, after 18 years and an important increase of responsibilities, they transfer it to Manzanillo. At this time she was already attending to the last semester of management Administration at the USMA – extension of Colon.

Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2010). WEBSCOLAR. Nilda Quijano (biografía en inglés). https://www.webscolar.com/nilda-quijano-biografia-en-ingles. Fecha de consulta: 9 de marzo de 2025.

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