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Webscolar » Inglés » Past, Present and Future tense Sentences

Past, Present and Future tense Sentences


  1. Jump in the bed.
  1. He drinks a lot of water.
  1. She sings in the bathroom.
  1. Do my homework.
  1. They sleep in floor.
  1. He runs in the house.
  1. They drive in the bedroom.
  1. She creeps in the bedroom.
  1. She studies in the garden.
  1. He sings in the bathroom.



  1. She wrote a letter.
  1. He paid videogames.
  1. You saw that movie last weekend.
  1. I felt sick last night.
  1. They lost all day.
  1. It bought the door.
  1. She lit her closet.
  1. Mary chose the pans.
  1. You saw that movie lost weekend.
  1. We swam last year.



  1. I will study tomorrow.
  1. We will lie next time
  1. My best friend will come home next week
  1. After became we will go for some snack.
  1. We will sing rock you.
  1. Next month he will go to Europe.
  1. The things you do will get you in trouble.
  1. Mario will send messenger text.
  1. He will get my girlfriend.
  1. Yoselin and Elizabeth will sell the packet.

Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2015). WEBSCOLAR. Past, Present and Future tense Sentences. https://www.webscolar.com/past-present-and-future-tense-sentences. Fecha de consulta: 23 de febrero de 2025.

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