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Sentences with different pronouns


I will remind myself.

You fooled yourself

We know ourselves.

You should hear yourselves

They can’t feed themselves



They are as intelligent as I am.

My sister looks as pretty as a princess.

The girls are as good students as the boys.

You are a better actor than he is.

She is a better cook than her sister.



John is the smartest boy in the class.

John is very smart.

The book is extremely expensive.

The food is indescribably tasty.

Bill Gates is the richest man in the U.S.



I am twenty-nine years old.

You live in Panama

She has got a dog

He makes the bed every morning

It runs inside the house

We sing a good song at the disco

They write an e-mail to the teacher

Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2013). WEBSCOLAR. Sentences with different pronouns. https://www.webscolar.com/sentences-with-different-pronouns. Fecha de consulta: 9 de marzo de 2025.

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