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Soccer before and after Rommel Fernandez

And the decade of 1990, in addition to Arming Dely Valdés, other Panamanians would go to the soccer of the outer product of the eliminatory phases of World-wide Glass like René Mendieta to Mexican soccer or the rest of the dynasty Dely Valdés, twin the Jorge and Julio, who knew themselves in South America, specially with National of Montevideo, where Julio would be idol , and Jorge whom its passage like trota worlds would do of National to Spanish Union of Chile and there towards the soccer of Asia and to the U.S.A..

Nevertheless, one figure that would make want by its gift of person and would turn with its death an authentic forgotten myth by those who promises made hypocritical and that will continue being judged by history and its acts. That was Rommel Fernandez Gutiérrez.

Product of the Mundialito of the Emigration, Fernandez entered in the rows of the Tenerife and with that equipment it initiated an unforgettable cycle that took it Division to an historical ascent to the First of the soccer of Spain, with an opening of big gol on porter’s of the Hercules de Alicante, in 1989. Of there, that its talent and its capacity to be a complete player would take it to gain the first version of Trophy EFE to the Best Latin American Player in the “League of Stars” in season 1991-92. Soon it would go from the Tenerife to the Valencia and of this catalogue to the Albacete, where it played until his tragic death in a traffic accident in the locality of Tinajeros, the 6 of May of 1993.

The news was a bitter drink for the sport liking and reason why the arrival of their rest and their funerals was widely concurred. The rest of Rommel Fernandez rest in the Loving Cemetery in which still they hope that the promises are fulfilled them of those who turned his exequias a political circus.

After this painful stage, they followed facts varied in the history of the Panamanian soccer plagued of internal conflicts in the federated leadership, with two federations and two leagues no become fond of where the provincial ones had much to do and that it would have to take part the CONCACAF so that a unification in 1996 occurred, but when leaving chosen Rogelio Walls to solio of the Panamanian Federation of Soccer the crisis continued.

In 1999, with intervention of the FIFA, a Normalizating Commission named headed by Juan Urriola, who was been in a similar position in 1996.

It was the decade in which Soccer was increased Touch, first, organized by Juan Thin Carlos and soon with two Mundialitos and events semiprofessional interclaypits by Pablo Cotito; also the one of Soccer Beach with a single match made in 1997, and of the Feminine Soccer that under the idea of the journalist Carlos Alberto Martinez Fertile valley, was based league Superior (LFF) with the dominion of the Sport Club Santa Ana. Also, the “Futsal” with a match would be introduced schoolgirl who included incidents between student bars, under idea of the ex- international René Mendieta and Luis Giraldo.

Of the international participation that had Panama in clubs and selections, it emphasized in the Nineties, three greater profits, as it they were his victory on Costa Rica in the away game of the eliminatory one to the World-wide one of USÁ94 by 1-0, the 16 of August of 1992 in our country with goal of penitentiary of René Mendieta, the Panamanian participation in the Gold Glass of CONCACAF of 1993, and its classification to the eliminatory semifinal round of to Franciá98 surpassing 2 and 9 of June from 1996 to Belize. More recent, it has been the silver medal in the Central American Games of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, in 1997, his it happens for the first time to one second phase of preworld-wide sub20 in 1998, and his it happens for the first time to a following eliminatory round of an preOlympic one in 1999, and all it under the direction of the Panamanian technician of British origin, Gary Stempel.

At individual level, Julio Dely Valdés would emphasize in 1995 with the obtaining of the title of the Recopa of Europe with Paris Saint Germain of France, being the first Panamanian in reaching it, while his twin brother Jorge, obtained in 1997, the greater number of goals in the league of ascent of the soccer of Japan, with 40 goals in a single season for the Consadole de Sapporo, with which he obtained his ascent to the J-League, where had played before for the Cherry tree of Osaka, and in the premises, the one hundred goals of Jose Ardines of the Eurokickers, in the season of 1994.

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