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Some ports located in Panama


This port is located 1 kilometers to the east of the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Central in a naturally protected bay free of waves or surges. No currents of importance affect the docking of ships at this port. The tree docks of Las Minas Bay were constructed in 1962 and belong to Panama Refinery.

There’s  access to the three docks by road from the Trans-Isthmian Highway, the main connecting road between Panama and Colon city.



The Port of Balboa is recognize by there annual handling capacity of more than a 1.5 millions TEUS (20ft. containers equivalent) of all the Pacific Coast of Panama and is the port best located for being the center of handling on the Pacific of the Americas.

This ports is united with the ports of Cristobal, MIT, CPT and others ports. PPC operates the port of Balboa 24 hours a day throughout the year.



The Cristobal is located at the Atlantic entrance of the Panama Canal at 9 degrees north latitude and 79 degrees, 55 minutes of west longitude on the Bay of Mazanillo. This port, which mainly serves the requirements of the Colon Free Zone, passed to the administration of Panama Port Company (PPC) on March1, 1997, along with the Port of Balboa.

Cristobals operates 24 hours- a day throughout the year handling a great variety of cargoes, and passengers.



This port is located at the Atlantic entrance of the Panama Canal and adjacent to the Colon Free Zone. MIT is a result of the successful work of an international consortium (Stevedoring Services of the Americas-SSA with the local investors) to develop a modern and efficient cargo transshipment center.

The port began operations in April 1995, and is now consider the largest transshipment center in Latin America.



The CCT is located at Coco Solo North, a former US naval base, in the Province of Colon, near to the entrance of the Panama Canal. This port has 4 phases.

CCT has a ideal location for being a transshipping cargoes area, because it serves to an indeterminate number of handling shipping to North and ports on both Caribbean and  Atlantic Commerce.



CPT become operating on January 6, 1988, and is daily improving its port service to give clients a quality and efficient services. The uses of this port has great advantage for small vessels which can be handled at low cost than other port of Panama which are dedicated to large container vessels.

Citar este texto en formato APA: _______. (2011). WEBSCOLAR. Some ports located in Panama. https://www.webscolar.com/some-ports-located-in-panama. Fecha de consulta: 11 de marzo de 2025.

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